Every person has a different choice, different lifestyle and different personality. If we talk about fashion, we will see another type of fashion sense in every individual. Specifically, let’s talk about the tone of hair colour. There are multiple options because every person has the desire to have a perfect hair dye which is also suitable to their personality. Some people like blond hair, some like black and some people have ample space in their hearts for red henna hair dye.
However, people want to choose a safe side where they don’t have to use so many chemical based dyes, and at the same time, they want their hair dye to be perfect. We all know that the natural, chemical free and effective hair dye is Henna. So for those people who want to dye their hair red by using Henna, here we are with some practical recipes for preparing henna powder for red henna hair dye.

Is Henna worth a try?
Those trying to use henna hair dye for the first time must be made aware of the benefits of henna hair dye. It’s surprising for some people that hair can be beneficial for hair. Well, from onwards the benefits of Henna will have your keen attention about its benefits.
● It’s natural.
● Henna is a natural moisturizer for the scalp
● Henna increases the volume and length of hair and many more
How to prepare henna powder for red hair dye
A single henna dye has so many shades in it. Yes, it’s pretty surprising. However, many people need to learn how to use it properly to dye hair to get the desired hair dye. It’s relatively easy, but you need to know every trick for every shade. So let’s talk about the different shades and their antics.
Colours shades we get by using Henna hair dye
● Dark brown
● Light brown
● Dark black with a tint of blue
● Jet black
● Light reddish brown
● Red
The colour of the Henna Powder depends on the colour of your actual hair. As we all know, when someone uses chemical-based dyes, you need to bleach your hair first, and then you will be able to apply the hair dye after damaging the hair. You can enjoy your desired hair dye for only a short period. However, Henna doesn’t need any kind of bleach treatment before dying. However,
we need to add more natural ingredients to get different shades. So let’s discuss all the dyes and their natural ingredients.
Dark brown
You must add some coffee to your Henna for a dark brown shade. It will enhance the colour of Henna towards darker shades.
Dark black with a tint of blue
Blue hair dye by using Henna hair dye is quite unbelievable. However, using a certain amount of hibiscus powder can fulfil your wish for a beautiful hint of blue in your hair.
Take some quantity of henna powder according to your hair volume
Add three to four tablespoons of hibiscus powder.
Note: the quantity of hibiscus powder will directly affect your hair shade.
Jet black

If you are thinking of going your hair in the colour jet black, hibiscus powder will be the other main ingredient in henna powder.
Add an equal quantity of henna powder and hibiscus powder in a bowl and mix it well.
Red henna hair dye
You need to know some tricks and recipes for red hair dye because if you use Henna without instructions or proper guidelines, the consequences will be totally different from your wish. Therefore we are here to get your keen attention towards red henna hair dye. Let’s talk about it in depth.
Dyeing blond hair into red using Henna
As I mentioned before, the henna colour depends on the actual colour of your hair. Let me explain this statement. If your hair is blond already, then on a light shade like this, you don’t need to add any other ingredients, a natural and chemical-free brown henna can dye your hair from blond to red. The only thing that needs to be done is the after-time duration of applying the henna paste on your hair. Remember that the more time you leave henna paste on your hair, the darker shade you will get after the results. So on blond hair, you can keep the henna paste for a short time. Wash your hair within three to four hours and get a dark reddish hair colour.
Dyeing darker hair into red colour using Henna
Turning darker hair into the red by using Henna is a little tricky; therefore, b adding some organic ingredients, you can dye your hair red so let’s discuss the whole procedure and its ingredients.
Add some quantity of Henna into a bowl according to your hair volume. Then add lime juice to it. Because by adding a citric ingredient to the Henna will help you to get your desired hair colour